I have a very special family. My parents are Neide and José. They are wonderful parents. My brothers' names are Ricardo and Fábio. My sister's name is Fernanda. I have a son. He is 15 years old. My son's name is Felipe.
I don't have nieces or nephews, but I have many cousins.
My family is from Governador Valadares and Ipatinga.
Tell me about your family. What is your family like ? Where are they from ?
52 comentários:
My parents are Margarete and Sebastião.
I don't have brother's,but I have many cousins.
I Love my family.
My parents are Cláudia and Marildo.
My brother name is Victor he is 8 years old.
My family is from Belo Horizonte and Bom Jesus do Amparo.
I love my family.
Paola 7°A
Ronaldo and elizete my parents are my sister sara Ana Carolina and I have many cousins salomao, esio, rafael ... and love go to club!
My parents are Cristiane and Junior.
I don't have brother's.
My family is from Belo horizonte.
Love my family.
My parentes are Olaga and Sérgio
My brother name is Vinicius he is 16 years old
My family is from Curvelo and Belo Horizonte
My family is wonderfull
My parents' name are Patrícia e Maurício.
My brother's name is Guilherme and he's 8 years old.
My family is from Belo Horizonte.
I don't have many cousins, nieces and nephews.
I live with my mother, father, brother and grandfather
My parents are Marco and Rosangela.
My brother's name is João Marco and he is 12 years old.
I have many cousins uncles and aunts.
My family is from Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro.
My family is very special to me.
I love them, especially my parents.
My mother's name Mary, and my father Jorge.
I have a brother, his name is Junior, and his age is 11.
I have many cousins also love going out with them ...
I have children, nephews very least (as).
My family loves to travel, after all who does not like it?
My parents are Geraldo and Jacqueline.
My brother Jean.
My family is from Belo Horizonte.
Live in Belo Horizonte.
My family is the best
my parents are Geralda and Wdson .
i don't have brothers .
i love my family ...
super important !
My parents are Aparecida and Celso.
My brother name is Guilherme he is 10 years old.
My family is from Belo Horizonte and conceição do mato dentro.
I love my family.
Gustavo 7ºB
My parents are Rogéria and Clarissom.
My sister name is Luma the is 15 years old.
My family is from Belo Horizonte.
I love my family.
Pedro 7ºB
My parents are Ronaldo and Magrisa.My brothers'name are Tiago and Guilherme. My family is CRUZEIRENSE.My family is from Barbacena and Vitorinos.
I love my family!!!
Claudio My father was born in Belo Horizonte, my mother Hellen was born in Brasilia, and my brother and I were born in Belo Horizonte mesmo.A family of my mother is very lively, loves parties, and my father is home
My parents are Lina and Tino.I have a sister,her name is Júlia and she´s 9 years old.
My family is so big, I have many cousins,uncles and aunts,but I don´t have more a grandmother and a grandfather.I don´t remeber where my family from.
We are very happy.
I live with my father Silvio, my name is Silvia.Nos born in Belo Horizonte.Tenho two brothers who are only casados.Eu like to travel for Governador Valadares, my father did not have much time for fun
My parents are Paul and Vânia.
I have a brother and many cousins.
I have a very special family, they are very nice and I love them. I have two brother´s and one sister. They are very special for me and i love them.
My parents are Maria and Ronaldo.
I have one sister her name is Sthefany she have 16 years old and one brother his name is Gabriel he have 5 years old.
I love my family.
My family is a different family, beacause they are very special.
I love my family. I have 1 brother and 2 sisters.
My parents are Salete and Afonso.
My brother name is Vinicius.
My sister name is Maria Theresa.
I love my family.
my name is Bruno y my parents are nilce e wanderluz .i don't have brother.Ilove my family.
My parents are Graziela and Marcos Tadeu.
My brother's name is Lucas and Talmon.
I love my family.
My parents are Gabriel and Jucilene,I have a sister ,her name is Gabrielle!
Ilove my family!
My parentes are Wanderley and Edleia.I have brother.I love ny family
My parents are Omar and Enis
My sister is Camila she is 16 years old
My family is from Belo Horizonte
I love my family
My parents are very nice, they are Livia and Vicente.
My brothers are Luvison and Lauro, my sister is Lidiane.
I`m from my family is Belo Horizonte.
I lovely my family!
I'm Victor,
My parents are very lovely.
My brother is Gustavo very cruzeirense, like me!!!
I love my family!!!!
My parents are Roberto and Eliana I have one brother Henrique he is one year old
My parents are Walder and Rosalina. He is 44 years old and she is 39 years old. I have one sister, her name is Raphaela and she is 18 years old.
My parents are Jane and Aurélio. My sister's name is Isadora, she is 8 years old. I love them!!
my parents are Ramon and Analise.
my steric brother is paulo and my dog is maria XD
My parents are Flávia and Oscar. My sisters' name are Carolina and Camila, they are 19 and 16 years old. My family is from Belo Horizonte! I love them! ♥
My mother´s name is nilma ( Michel)
My father´s name is Ataide (André)
My father is from Rio, and my mother is from grãmogol-Minas (Michel)
I have a very special family 15 years I have called my parents if Igor Call Natalina and Jordedite and i have 4 brothers are 3 brothers from his father's first marriage.
My father is from Rio de Janeiro, and my mother is fro grãmogol-Minas
my parent's name are Adriane and jose mauro.
my family is from Belo Horizonte.
I have many cousins.
i love my family.
My parents name are Marilia e Marcos.
My sisters is Raissa Camila e Thayanne.My brother's name is Caio.
My family is from Belo Horizonte.I have many aunts uncles and cousins.
I love my family too! I love too much!
My parents are Maria Auxilhadora and Francisco.
My sister are Natalha and Virginia.
My family is from Belo Horizonte.
my family is very funny,outgoing...ilove my family! i love my mother, my father, my sister laleska and lavínia.
My familiar AND a lot important in my life! my old man he calls Alex AND my mae he calls Jacqueline AND I have um brethren as of 6 years that if he calls Yuri! amoo a lot my familiar!
Fernanda 7°B
My familiar AND a lot important in my life! my old man he calls Helio AND my mae he calls Cristina AND I have um brethren as of 9 years that if he calls Amanda! amoo a lot my familiar!
Isabela 7°B
Hello, everybody.
My name is Cláudia and I live in Governador Valadares, teacher Lú's hometown, but my family is from Muriaé, about 3oo km from here.
I love my family too. My parents live in muriaé but my brother is in Floripa and my sister in New york. They are married. I'm married too and I have two kids.And, yes, I am an English teacher. by the way, may I ask my students to visit your blog?
I love my family! I live wiht my brother Breno , and my father Célio. We like to go out with us friends on weekends.
my father was born in Ouro preto, and I end my brother was born in Belo horizonte.
Ana Célia 9º A
I have a beautiful family. My parents are Philomena e Antônio. I have three brothers, Graciel, Jomar and Breno. My sister's names are Ana Paula and Késia.
I have two children. My children are Marcos and Katlheen.
My family are from Belo Horizonte, but my parents are from Itamarandiba/MG.
I have two nieces and two nephews. I have many cousins.
My parents are Carlos and Isa.My sister are Gabriela and she is 17 years old.
My family is from Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte
My family is wonderfull
I love my family.
I have a very fun family. My parents are Cinthia and Alder. They are wonderful parents. The names of my brothers are Matheus, Lucas and Thiago.
I have many cousins.
My family is from BH Minas Gerais.
I have a very special family. My parents are Ana Claudia and gerson. They are parents maravilhosos.Sou daughter unica.Tenho many cousins.
My family is from BH Minas Gerais.
My family is not very big, and all are in BH. The name of my mother is Joelma and my father is deceased. My grandmother replacement, and her name is Vera. I have no brothers (thank god) and I have 6 cousins. I believe my boyfriend and the family and finally, I love it!
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My family think everyone is a little large for BH but some people (cousins, uncles) live in Jaipur.
My mother's name is Alessandra and my father's name is Gerard and I have a sister called Ana Paula (she is a nag).
My family modeste part is very understandable and help me!
Well that's it! *---*
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