terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2009

Writing letters or email ?

When I was a child I used to write letters to my aunts, uncles and friends. Now I write e-mail. I love the virtual space and I use e-mail to contact my friends, because it's faster. I also use e-mail for school and work.

What do you prefer to write: letters or e-mail ? Why ?

42 comentários:

''«•_•»''Faell''«•_•»'' disse...

I prefer to write e-mail because it is much easier and faster than letters

Diego disse...

I like to write more and e-mails because it is more practical and also gets faster in the house of other people, already wrote many letters to friends when less of school, but now more Opita by email.

LARISSA & LUIZA disse...

I Love email,I use e-mail to contact and comunication, my friends and my parents.

luvison leal and lucas roberto disse...

we find better to use the e-mail, because it is faster and easier way to communicate with relatives and friends

henrique ary disse...

I use to connect the phone, watch TV, play, etc..
Today, the very mobile and ITIL to connect us with the real world.

Wisney disse...

I'm not much of mandar e-mail or letters because I am not very pasiente niso and also do not like to write much.

Henrique Ary disse...

now the email and much ITIL and he used to send messages without being as letter and through him we can vazer various things like orkut, msn, etc ...

Gabii *-* (2L) disse...

I Prefer e-mail because it's faster, but I also like the letter.I think it is cool.

Unknown disse...

i prefer to write e-mail because is more practical,is easy very much,but i don´t like very much to write e-mails.bye!

Samira disse...

I prefer e-mail because is much Practical,is automatic and fast.

Unknown disse...

i prefer to write e-mail because is fast,easy,practical,etc...

Pedro Bernardes disse...

I prefer to use email because it is easier and more practical, and also need not pay to send it.

salomao disse...

I like email because eh faster and practical!

P3DR0 & CA10 disse...

I prefer e-mail because is fast and practical :)

Good Bye!

Letícia,Marina e Thalyta :D disse...

We prefer email because it is faster, and there is no practical difficulty to arrange it
Bjoo **

Roger disse...

I like most e-mail, enter it and better than esquever and also because it is easier because we need to go in the mail and sent by the website so

Jess and Polly disse...

We prefer to use e-Maille, because it is more practical, faster, generally most people I have contact has access to internet!! bye!! bye!!

Arthur Barbosa disse...

I prefer email because it is much easier to communicate with people!

Gabriel disse...

I prefer write e-mails, because is very fast and practical... The communication between friend, parents is much easier! Letters will be more difficult to write... The spelling must be perfect and other aspects which are the letters, as the header and the numbering of paragraphs!

Lariih =) disse...

I like to write de e-mails because is very faster and much prefer. I use email to talk with friends and family.
Bjx.. =)

Diogo' disse...

I prefer email because it is easier and faster.

Luu =) disse...

I use the e-mail because it is a faster way to talk...

Gustavo Augusto disse...

I also loved when he was less mandar letters to my relatives and amigos.Hoje I do not do that anymore, unless alcazião a very good command mesmo.Só is also e-mail.Eu prefer e-mail.Porque is better and more too fast ...

Allan e Giovanna disse...


Adriana Sales Zardini disse...

I prefer e-mails! But a well written letter is better than any email.

pedro & thais disse...

love to use email as a way to communicate with relatives and friends of long distance

Mari disse...

I prefer e-mails ´cause they´re faster and easier to write than letters. In fact, e-mails´ facilities make us be in contact more often with our frieds than we used to do in the past, when Internet was not popular.

Ary Leal disse...

I prefer e-mail, because its faster and more pratic.

Ariel 9a

Igor Balbino e pedro henriquer disse...

I like to write e-mails because it's faster and is easier to write

Danilo Lobato 9b disse...

I prefer to write e-mail because it is easier, it's faster.

Karoline 9B disse...

I never wrote letters because they take time to reach. I prefer to write e-mails because they are quicker to reach your destination

Thata Araujo disse...

I prefer e-mail, because is faster than the others.

Ana carolline disse...

I prefer write e-mail because easier.

Danielle 9c disse...

I rarely write letters and e-mails. I prefer messenger because it's more fast and you can see the person!

Bárbara Dias 9c disse...

I like both letters and e-mails. But I prefer e-mails because it is practical and easy to comunicate!

Luisa Vilaça disse...

I like both letters and e-mails. But I prefer e-mails because it is much easier and faster than letters! I love practicality!


vincius-9c disse...

I prefer email because it is more practical and faster.

lucas 9b disse...

I have a lot of mail's and I read all!

Marcela 9°B disse...

I never wrote letters
I prefer to write emails, they arrive at your destination faster,
besides being more practical.

Ana Flávia 9ºA disse...

I write e-mails, are more simple and easy,and everybody use,and is so fast too.But sometimes I use a card or a letter to congratulate.

Unknown disse...

I prefer to write letters, because i think it better, because I can save them,and i like write letters to my friends who live far away, and I know only by Internet.

Daniela 9a disse...

I prefer e-mail because it is a quick way to communicate with my friends and family.