I am Luciana, an English teacher at UFMG. I am young, nice and beautiful. I love computers, internet and books. I love to read ! I collect pens and my favorite free time activity is to watch FRIENDS on TV. I am a big fan of FRIENDS.
I love to go to the movies and my favorite kind of movies is comedy.
78 comentários:
I'm Marcone, student of COLTEC... I love MARIAH CAREY "so much".. I listen Mariah all time... My life is very full of special peoples.. I like so much to go out for make the party =) to make new friends and have fun with my friends
I am Edna, a Portuguese teacher at UFMG. I am quite young woman. I love my job, computers, orchids and some others flowers,my children, my husband, all of my friends,internet and books. I love to read ! I collect photos and my favorite free time activity is to watch LOST on TV, at mondays`nigth. Like my friend Luciana, I love to go to the movies and my favorite kind of movies is romantic themes. I love to know beautiful places...
I am Hélio, student of "Centro Pedagócico". I like of watching TV and movies.. I very like of music! Luciana is my teacher, she is a very good teacher. I go to the club at weekends. My life is much happy! :P
I am Adair, teacher of History at CP. UFMG.
I am a poet too and I love write too much.
I love cinema and my favorite are the french movies.
My english is not good...Sorry.
Hi! I'm Álvaro, student of CP.. =]
i not know englsh.. ok?
bye byee
I'm Adriana Zardini, English Teacher. Last year I had the pleasure to teach at Centro Pedagógico. Good Luck LU!!
Hello Lu!!
Nice to see you here!!
I am giovanni, student of "Centro Pedagócico". I like of watching TV and movies.. I very like of music! Luciana is my teacher, she is a very good teacher. I go to the club at weekends. My life is much happy! (giovanni 8B )
Hii teacher
My name is Louise Rafaela
I student of "centro pedagógico"
I love music and computer..
I am Pedro Henrique Santos Macêdo. I am student of Centro Pedagogico. I like Football my favorite soccer team is Clube Atlético Mineiro (GALO) and Chelsea Football Club (BLUES). I very like of music my favorite singer is Michael Jackson.
I'm Kamilla, student of Centro Pedagógico.I'm 13 years old .I like listen to music,computers...
I am Victor,student of Centro Pedagógico.I like of watching TV and movies.My favorite movies are Harry Potter series.Luciana is my teacher ,she is a very good teacher.(Victor Melo 8b )
I'm Wenddy, student of Centro Pedagógico. I like computers, music, animals, dance and TV. My favorite soccer team is atlético and my favorite color is purple. CSI is my favorite movie!
Bye bye. (Wenddy-8°B)
I'm Thayná, student of Centro Pedagógico and I'm 13 years old.
I like computers, music, dance, TV, book... My favorite color is purple, my favorite soccer team is Cruzeiro and my favorite movies is Crepúsculo.
Kiss ( Thayná - 8°B)
I'm Isabella.I'm student Centro Pedagógico.I love music very much,computers,movies.
Luciana is my teacher very good teacher.
Hi teacher,
I'm Marina,student of Centro Pedagógico.I like to listen to music and read books.
bye bye!!!♥
We are Júlia and Maria Clara.We are students from Centro Pedagógico and we love music!We love rock music!I,Júlia, love 30 Seconds to Mars and Maria loves Nx Zero!We love talk to our friends and watch TV!We like very much of movies, books and magazines!!!
I am lucas roberto. I am student of Centro Pedagogico. I like Football my favorite soccer team is Clube Atlético Mineiro (GALO) and barcelona football club. I very like of music, my favorite singer is exaltasamba.
My name is Rafael, my love Football and music my favorit soccer team is Cruzeiro.I am student of Centro Pedagogico.
hi!im pedro e gustavo student of centro pedagogico da ufmg .
i not know soccer.
I am luvison,student of Centro Pedagógico.I like of watching TV and movies.My favorite movies is a liga da injutiça.Luciana is my teacher ,she is a very good teacher.I love football and volleyball.
My name is Pedro Loredo.I like Football my favorite soccer team is Atlético Mineiro.I love Family Guy.I am student of Centro Pedagogico.
Bye !
Hello favorite teacher Lú!
Our students of "centro pedagógico"
Our names are Loh and Gabi
Our loves music,computer,tv and friends!..
Bye Bye
hello teacher
we are Ana Carolina,Anna Luiza and Larissa.We are students of CP.We Love music, computer and boys =D
Ana loves Chocolate,Anna loves NX Zero,Larissa loves BOYS HAHAHA',We are Happy,Crazy =P,bealtful,funny,Bests friends.
Bye Bye
teacher Lú,
We are Láyza and Marcela.You are favorite teacher!!!you are nice,smart,cool and bealtiful.
Láyza and Marcela
Hi!i am aguinaldo,I study at centro pedagógico.I am very smart,young and "tall".I listen to music at afternoon.I like of hip-hop and eletronic music.I play soceer everyday and talk with my friends!bye!!
We are Carolina and Maria Carla. We are students from Centro Pedagógico and we very like of music! We love computer and internet! We like very much of watch TV!
wi ar guilherme and pedro, students of "Centro Pedagócico". I like of watching TV and movies.. I very like of music! Luciana is my teacher, she is a very good teacher. I go to the club at weekends. My life is much happy! (pedro and guilherme 8A )
Hi teacher!I'm Luiza,I am student of CP, my favorite movie is "As Crônicas de Nárnia:Principe Caspian", my favorite soccer team is Cruzeiro, my favotire serie of TV is "Eu, a Patroa e as Crianças"and I Love my Friends!!
Ok!!Bye(Luiza 8ªA)
I'm Caio, student at Centro Pedagogico at ufmg...I love
Giovanna"so much".Luciana is myteacher,she is a very good tacher.
I'm pedro,student of "centro pedagogico". I like games, musics, movies, watch TV and soccer. My favorite soccer team is Cruzeiro. The desegn that I like most is Famiy guy.
I'm Samira,student eat CENTRO PEDAGÓGICO.
I like computers, music, dance, TV, book...
My favorite color is pink, my favorite soccer team is Clube Atlético Mineiro , my favorite movies is Twilight.
Kiss (Samira 8°a)
I'm Jéssica,I am a student of CP, my favorite singer is Vander Lii, my favorite movies are Harry Potter series,my favorite soccer team is CLUBE ATLÉTICO MINEIRO GALO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kisses!!(Jéssica Amaral 8ªA)
hello!i am jadir and i study at centro pedagogico.i am very smart and very tall!i hate meat and i love vegetables,video games and movies very much!ok
Hi!I’m Gabriella, I’m Brazilian, I study at Centro Pedagogico. I like Chocolate, music, animals (I prefer dogs), computer, games (Counter Strike and Ragnarok), I like to read. My favourite colors are blue and pink, my favourite subjects are French and Geography and my favourite soccer team is Cruzeiro.
Hi!I’m Kamily, I’m Brazilian, I study at Centro Pedagogico. I like chocolate, animals, use a computer, listening to music. My favorite blue, my favourite subject Geography and Physical Education and my favourite team is Atletico Mineiro.
My name is Thainá, my nick name is Thani, and I’m from Brazil and study at Centro Pedagogico. I like chocolate, chips, rabbit, cat and dog. I love listening to music, use a computer, play games (Couter Strike, Jogo da Vida, The Sims) play all games with my friends. My favourite siger is Lady Gaga, my favourite band is The Black eyed Peas, my favourite subject is Math, and my favourite team is Atletico Mineiro.
I'm Allan,
I like English classes...
I like computers,I like to sleep and to eat
Bye Bye
Hi. I'm Gabriel,a student at Centro Pedagogico, UFMG. I love English, French and Physical Education. I'm 13 years old. I like movies very much, play computer games, surf on the net and talk with my friends eand my family. My favorite color is white and my favorite movie is Twilight, the actors are Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattison! I love read books!
- Twilight;
- New Moon and
- Eclipse
I am a person helpful, cheerful, lovely and very funny and happy!!!
I am Salomao Vitor Fernandes Azevedo. I am student of Centro Pedagogico. I like Football my favorite soccer team is Clube Atlético Mineiro (GALO) . I very like of music my favorite singer is Akon.
14 de Abril de 2009 04:05
My name is Pedro, I'm student at Centro Pedagogico, I love animals very much.I love films and Harry Potter.My favorite soccer team is Atletico.My favorite colors are black,blue,white and gray.
I'm Polly, student of Centro Pedagógico.I like music, computer, web.My favorite color is light purple.My favorite soccer team is Cruzeiro.My favorite subject is Math and English.
I´m Luiza, student of Centro Pedagógico. I like computers, music and tv. My favorite color is purple. I´m 13 years old.MY favorite soccer team is Atlético Mineiro.
Hello teacher!
I am Pedro student of CP!
I like english very much!!!!
Hi. My name is Giovanna. I'm student at Centro Pedagógico. My favorite subject is Math. My favorite colors are pink, purple and blue. Bye!!
I'm LeTíCiA :),I'm 13 years old.I'm student at Centro Pedagógico da UFMG.My favorite colors are red and purple,my favorite movies are Harry Potter and a Bússola de Ouro,my favorite subject is Maths and Physical Education.My best friends are Marina,Thalyta and Leonardo.I love Paramore and Fresno ♥ !!
Hi ! My name is Jéssica and I'm student. I like music, movies and computer. I study at Centro Pedagógico.
Bye Bye !
Hellow teacher Lú!
My name is Marina, student at Centro Pedagógico.I love watching movies.I like to talk with my cousins and friends.My favorite color is pink. My favorite soccer team is Cruzeiro.my favorite subject is Math.
bye bye♥!
Helo! My name is Larissa and I'm 13 years old. I'm student of Centro Pedagógico. My favorite book is CREPÚSCULO and my favorite school subject is Math and English. Luh is my english teacher, she is a adorable teacher..
Bye bye...;)
I'm Arthur Melo Barbosa. I likeplay the computer games and listeling to music.I student Centro Pedagogico.
bye bye teacher Lu!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am Caio césar, I student of CP
I love play soccer!!
I'm Thalyta :),i'm 13 years old,i'm student CP, my favorite bands are Sorriso Maroto and Jeito Moleque, my favorite singer is Rodriguinho, my favorite soccer team is Cruzeiro Esporte Clube, my favorite colors are red and purple, my best friends are Letícia, Marina and Jennifer.
♥ Bye Bye ♥
Hi I'm Roger, student center pedagógico.Eu like fuses on the computer, play video game and play ball, love of music, my favorite subject and physical education
Hii teacher Lú !! ♥
I'm carool and Tatah(8ºC)
we are here to say that you love very much. We have 13 years and love of your classes! I lovo music ♫ ♪, dance and the sun! ☼
Byee ,
Kisses !! ☺
By: Carool and Thaís(♥)
I'm Pedro, estudy in CENTRO PEDAGOGICO DA UFMG...I lake of video game e watching movies. Lú is my teacher , she very good teacher ilove reacher lu
We are Renata and Mariana. We are students from Centro Pedagógico and we very like of music! We love computer and internet!♥♥♥
I´m Diogo, I study in the Centro Pedagógico. I like very of sets to music, computer and I like of practice sports...
I gustavo.sou student of the pedagogical center of the UFMG.LIKE very of music and computer.
Hello It Teaches Lú, we are here to talk about his comment and like very much and find interesting. We Lovely you. Bye Paola and Alinne ♥ English ♥ 7°A
I'm Ellen,student at CENTRO PEDAGÓGICO.
I LIKE music and computer,tv and friends very much!..
My favorite color is purple.
my favorite movies is Twilight.
I am Ernani,I am student of Centro Pedagogico. I like Football my favorite soccer team is Clube Atlético Mineiro.
I very like of music my favorite singer is (galo a razão do meu viver.
I am bruno fernando,I am student of Centro Pedagogico. I like Football my favorite soccer team is Clube Atlético Mineiro.
I very like of music my favorite singer is (vou festeja.
I am Inacio,I am student of Centro Pedagogico. I like Football my favorite soccer team is Clube Atlético Mineiro.
I very like of music my favorite singer is (Hino do galo.
We are, Victor and Leandro.
We Love english,soccer and music. Teacher Lú is lovely.Victor is: handsome, organized, funny and talkative.the Leandro is: organized,handsome,nice and talkative.
by: Victor and Leandro
Oi. ...
My name is Fernanda Pedagogical Center of UFMG.
I here to tell you is a very good person!
You is a very nice teacher!
Fernanda Rodrigues kisses 7 B
Hi! teacher, How are you? esperamos q gosti do nosso trabalho
I like more than hot because from to eat ice cream & play soccer
Bye Bye
Gabriel & Henrique
I like the cold that I like to stay at home, make hot chocolate, etc..
kisses Renata
I like the cold and heat. The heat because I can go to clubs and etc.Do cold that I am at home, hot chocolate and I am in my bed.
kisses !!!
Hi!Iam matheus student of centro pedagogico da ufmg.I like engleish!
bye byee =]
I am Luara, i love english, i am honest, shy, lovely blog
Hello teacher!
i loved the blog!!!
kisses Gabriella...
Hii teacher
My name is dejeane cristina
I student of "centro pedagógico"
I love music and computer..
Bye bye
Hi, Lu!
I'm Tainah, student at CP, 7ºB...
I love Friends and books, too!
My favorite soccer team is Atlético Mineiro and I really like music!
Hi, Lu!
My name is Amanda, student at Cp, 7ºB, my favorite soccer team is Cruzeiro, my favorite song is "Um Minuto"...
Such a well written post.. Thnkx for sharing this post!
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